
Credit: Festival National du Film d'Animation
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Twenty alumni selected for national animated film festival

28 March 2024 Alumni News
Viewed 365 times

The program for the 2024 edition of the Festival National du Film d'Animation (National Animated Film Festival ) gives pride of place to alumni of the school.


Organized by AFCA (Association Française du Cinéma d'Animation) from April 13 to 17, 2024 in Rennes, the festival features 30 professional short films and 30 student films in competition.


The program also includes non-competitive screenings of feature-length films, music videos, series and "DIY" or "home-made" films.


Among the 130 animated works selected by the festival, some fifteen were created by alumni of the Master in Character Animation and Animated Filmmaking and Graphic Motion Designer courses.


In addition, Denis Do (class of 2009) is one of the 3 members of the jury for the professional shorts, and once again this year, thefestival posterwas designed by an alumnus. Raphaëlle Stolz (class of 2014) has signed the poster for this 2024 edition.




Films selected for competition



Directed by Diego Alonso Sanchez De La Barquera Estrada and Christian Arredondo Narvaez (class of 2020), the film has been selected in the short professional film category, in the "Partenaire particulier" program.


After watching a dark and stormy cloud rain painfully and die of grief, Noma, a puffy white cloud realizes that Mixtli, his daughter, a dark and stormy cloud is in danger of raining prematurely.




Childeric, choosing your battle

"Childeric, choosing your battle"

Directed by Lou Dhelens, Emma Guyot, Céline Korno, Juliette A. Laurent, Louise Petit and Lucie Tantot (class of 2023), the film has been selected in the "student film" category. It is part of the "Désenchantés" program.


1419, Kingdom of England. A film crew follows the young chief Childeric on the eve of the assault on an English fortress.




A kind of testament

"A kind of testament"

The film by Stéphane Vuillemin (class of 2008), who was shortlisted for this year's Oscars, competes in the short professional film category, in the "Mauvais rêve" program.


A young woman discovers animations on the Internet, created from her and private selfies. A stranger with the same name confesses to having impersonated her. But death is quicker than the answer to the question: "Why?"




La Mort du petit cheval

"La Mort du petit cheval" 

After winning the Grand Prix for student short films in 2022 for "Au revoir Jérôme" , Gabrielle Selnet (class of 2021) will present her new film in the student film category of the "Faire face" program.Gabrielle Selnet (class of 2021), will present her new film in the student film category of the "Faire face" program.


Kicked out of her mother's house without even a pair of shoes, Gab searches for an apartment in the chaos of the Paris streets.




Les Pissenlits par la racine

"Les Pissenlits par la racine" 

Like Gabrielle, Chloé Farr (class of 2021), also co-director of "Au revoir Jérôme", was also selected for the "Faire face" student competition.

Coco, 6, lives in a big house with her mother and aunt. One night, she wakes up with a start after having a nightmare about a character who looks like Woody Woodpecker. She asks her mother to call the police.



"El Ombligo De La Luna"

"El Ombligo De La Luna"

The graduation film by Sara Antonio, Julia Grupinska, Bokang Koatja, Ezequiel Garibay Cires and Tian Westraad (class of 2023) also competes in the "Faire face" program.


Chava, a Mexican mechanic, is about to have his precious car seized when he receives an unexpected visit from Nacho, his long-abandoned son.




Films selected out of competition

Mars Express

"Mars Express

The film by Jérémie Périn (class of 2000) will be presented out of competition, accompanied by an exhibition created in collaboration with artistic director Mikael Robert . The exhibition highlights the film's sets and reveals the robots' manufacturing secrets.


Several alumni worked on the film, in particular on the sets and the robots: Maya Av-Ron (class of 2018), as assistant art director and set designer,Théo Boubounelle (class of 2011) as set designer, Jonathan Djob-Nkondo ,who designed the robots, and Antoine Vignon (class of 2019) as set designer and assistant art director .


 "Les Croquemoutard – La nuit du Croquemitroll" 

"Les Croquemoutard - Night of the Croquemitroll" (in French)

The series, directed by Fabien Limousin (animator, class of 1998) and Aurélien Bouillon , has been selected for the "Séries en pagaille" program. It is also eligible for the AGrAF "Coup de coeur" for an original series for young people.


Les Croquemoutards is a sitcom about a family of trolls, gentle ogres, who, driven from the old isolated bridge under which they have lived for generations, are forced to take refuge among humans, in the cité des Clapiers. But hush! No one must know!




Le Collège noir

"Le Collège noir" 

The series by Ulysse Malassagne (class of 2010) is also selected in the "Séries en pagaille" program. An opportunity to discover or re-discover it!


5 teenagers are stuck with Léna, their jaded supervisor, in their little boarding school lost in the middle of the Cantal mountains for the autumn vacations. When they are accidentally cursed by a terrible witch, all hell breaks loose and the terrifying creatures of French folklore set off in pursuit...






Nisrine Oulalite 's motion (Bachelor Graphiste Motion Designer, class of 2023) is selected in the "Homemade Film " category.


Surfing in the heart of matter, the body is tied to the sea.



"F1eur de P3au"

"F1eur de P3au"

Laetitia Le Gall (Motion Designer, class of 2022) has also been selected in this category for her film "F1eur de P3au", produced as part of the Nikon festival.


13, an age at the crossroads between childhood and adulthood. Adolescence leaves indelible marks on us, hidden wounds that sometimes resurface without warning.



Les Emotions de Vercorin

"The Emotions of Vercorin"

The film by Janis Aussel (class of 2014) can be seen in the "Films bricolés" program.


Raphael, Lily, Evan and their friends are staying in the mountains, and they tell us about the emotions that run through them.




Project pitches



Jeanne-Sylvette Giraud (class of 2013) will be presenting her 2D series project (13 episodes of 26 minutes), still at the concept stage.


At the end of a long winter, Pays Gelé is in a state of confusion.In the boreal forests of the taiga, the shamans of the northern tribe are helpless in the face of dangerous wandering spirits and disturbing cases of possession.






Patrick Volve (class of 1996) will be presenting his series co-directed with Esteban, currently in pre-production.


After the split of TILT, their sultry pop group, the trio of rockers go their separate ways. Hired by an insurance company, the three of them find themselves back together in the same office. Is this reunion fortuitous? The old friends will have to dig deep into their memories and overcome old quarrels to investigate this mystery.




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