Become an active member

Want to get involved in the network ?

We offer you to become an active member in the community! Ambassador, sponsor, community leader, Gobelins speaker... There is no shortage of ideas.


  • Become responsible for a sector group or a geographical group 

The purpose of the groups is to gather alumni from all over the world around common themes (by field or by city) to allow you to develop your local network by meeting Gobelins graduates. 

They will be led by one or more volunteer alumni coordinators who will be able to propose events to members (afterworks, conferences ....). Contact us to become a group administrator. 

You didn't find a group near you? You can contact us to create a new one.


  • Take part in the news section

You want to share your experience with the Gobelins alumni community? You can contact us to arrange an interview for the portrait section. You can also, if you wish, relay to us news regarding your career or your sector (nomination, awards...). 



Want to get involved in the life of the school ?

You want to get involved in Gobelins' pedagogy, meet the students and share your experience ?

There are several options available to you:

  • Join the teaching team by becoming a teacher 
  • Participate in the end of year jury  
  • Use the Job teaser platform, the Carrer Center of the school to search for interns or apprentices and participate actively in the training of Gobelins students  
  • Share your experience at Gobelins with future students

 Contact Sophie Jean, in charge of the alumni network, for more informations: