
Credit: Festival national du film d'animation / Katell Bouniol
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Raphaëlle Stolz signs the poster for the 2024 edition of the Festival national d'animation

05 December 2023 Alumni News
Viewed 236 times

After Quentin Baillieux (class of 2008) last year, it's Raphaëlle Stolz 's turn to design the poster for the next edition of the Festival national du film d'animation.


A 2014 graduate of the Concepteur et Réalisateur de Films d'Animation program, Raphaëlle is an animated short film director, art director, animator and painter.


She has directed two short films, Les Salfisis du Bengale ( 2015) and Miracasas ( 2022). Miracasas has been selected for over fifty festivals, including the Grand Prix for Professional Short Film at the Rennes Festival in 2023. The film has also been shortlisted for the 2023 Césars in the short animated film category.


Raphaëlle Stolz has also worked on sets for several feature films: La Traversée, Ernest et Célestine : Le Voyage en Charabie ( co-directed by Julien Chheng, class of 2010), Ama Gloria and Anzu chat fantôme.





Affiche du festival national du film d'animation édition 2024

©Festival national du film d'animation / Raphaëlle Stolz




With this poster, Raphaëlle Stolz wanted to honor the boundless imagination of animation.


"I wanted animated films and their actors to be in the spotlight of cameras and paparazzi! I wanted to put the spotlight on a whole host of characters who aren't usually in the spotlight: the quirky, the strange, the grandiose, those with a thousand feet, the prim and proper, the abundant, those with feathers and those with scales, the shy and the funny, and all those who parade along this red carpet with joy and pride. Proud because they represent an imaginary world that's constantly evolving, that of animated cinema. An imagination that makes us dream, reflect and change, and that deserves to be honored, saluted and put in the spotlight!"

Raphëlle Stolz


The 2024 edition of the festival will take place from April 13 to 17 in Rennes.



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