
Credit: Assemblée nationale - Prix du court métrage politique
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Call for entries for the Short Political Film Prize

18 December 2023 Professional news
Viewed 53 times

On the occasion of the second edition of theNational Assembly's Week-end du film politique, which will take place in the spring of 2024, President Yaël Braun-Pivet is launching a Political Short Film Prize.


Open to both emerging and established filmmakers, the prize is €2,000 for the best short film on the themes of political and social issues, or politics and its players.


The call for entries is open to live-action oranimated films made since January 1, 2020 , and lasting no more than 30 minutes. Films must be made in French or in the original language with French subtitles.


The application deadline is February 29, 2024.


To apply, films must be sent in mp4 format to the Assemblée nationale, together with the entry form, to the following address:



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