
ARTE France is looking for digital project management service providers
Committed for over 15 years to the production of digital works, the channel is focused on creation and innovation in all forms (video games, interactive devices, VR, AR, magazines, documentary or fiction and animation series).
Like the majority of ARTE's programs, these digital productions are designed and produced by teams of independent creators and producers, with the aim of encouraging the creation of diversified works.
To this end, on Tuesday February 20 the channel launched a public consultation to renew its teams of digital project management service providers.
Addressed to freelance project managers and producers in video games and XR, the market is divided into 3 lots:
- Generic production monitoring of creative digital projects
The aim of this first lot is to provide generic functional and technical project management forARTE France's Digital Creations Unit, to support the channel's various productions (websites, videos, mobile applications, services, VR, video games, in-house tools, etc.) at every stage of their creation.
- Specific monitoring of digital video game and XR production projects
With this second batch, the channel is looking for a video game project manager to support the production and editing of projects (2 to 4 games per year).
ARTE France also co-produces, publishes and distributes immersive reality works (3DOF and 6DOF VR experiences, augmented and mixed reality, etc.) and is looking for an XR project manager tocoordinate the management of these projects.
- Monitoring internal and cross-functional digital projects
The last lot concerns a mission of support and general monitoring of the channel's internal and transversal digital projects , in autonomy. ARTE France designs and pilots various in-house digital projects, in conjunction with its various ARTE France program units.
The contract is scheduled to run for 12 months from spring 2024. It is renewable 2 times.
The service providers selected for each lot will then be consulted for each new assignment, and will potentially join the chain's digital project management team, headed by Adrien Larouzée (a 2007 graduate of the Licence professionnelle Project Management en Communication et Industries Graphiques program), to oversee one or more projects while they are being produced.
Applications are open until noon on Thursday, March 14, 2024.
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