
Credit: Alexis Huguet pour Action contre la faim
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3 calls for photo projects this summer

18 July 2023 Professional news
Viewed 222 times

Take advantage of the summer to respond to calls for projects from the Circulation(s) festival, Esthée Lauder Compagnies and Action contre la faim.




Open Call - festival Circulation(s)

Open call : festival Circulation(s)

Organized by the Fetard collective, the festival questions the boundaries between contemporary art and photography. Dedicated to emerging photography in Europe, the festival is also a springboard for artists.


In fact, its programming is partly organized around a call for entries, with no imposed theme, open to photographers at the start of their careers who have never been the subject of a major exhibition. Each year, the collective selects around fifteen artists to be exhibited at the festival.


The 14th edition will take place from April 06 to June 2, 2024 at the CENQUATRE in Paris, and the selected works will also be exhibited during an hors-les-murs tour of France and Europe.


The call for entries is open until July 23, 2023.




Appel à candidatures Pink Ribbon Photo Award

Pink Ribbon Award Photo Award - Esthée Lauder Compagnies

Launched in 2012 to pay tribute to Evelyn H. Lauder, a businesswoman and anti-cancer activist who died in 2011, the award aims to raise public awareness of breast cancer screening.


This 2023 edition, on the theme of "the in.visible", aims to highlight the "invisibles" of the disease and its treatments.


The competition is open to professional, amateur and student photographers until August 20, 2023. 4 prizes will be awarded to the finalists: three Prix du Jury (one Grand Prix and two Prix Accessits) and the Prix du Public Téva. They will be revealed during the Paris Photo Festival in November.

The winner of the Jury's Grand Prize will receive a Fujifilm X-T5 Kit 18-55mmcamera, publication in several magazines, a personalized session at Atelier Picto Bastille and a one-year subscription to Polka and Marie Claire magazines.




© Alexis Huguet pour Action contre la Faim

Alexis Huguet for Action contre la Faim

Grant for a new humanitarian look - Action contre la faim

Launched this year by Action Against Hunger, this grant aims to initiate reflection onhumanitarian imagery, while increasing the visibility of the people supported by the organization.

It offers photographers, videographers and content creators the opportunity to break away from conventional narrative and iconographic processes and explore new ones.


The winner will receive a €10,000 grant to support the realization of his or her project, which will be exhibited from October 2024. The photographer will also be mentored by Cristina de Middel, artist and documentary photographer, and president of the jury.


The call for entries is open until August 31.




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