
Credit: © Belfast Photo Festival
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Photo: February 2024 calls for projects

14 February 2024 Professional news
Viewed 192 times

There's a lot going on in February 2024, with two residencies at museums in the Paris region, the Musée Départemental Albert-Kahn and the Musée de l'Armée, two calls for entries for events abroad, the Belfast Photo Festival in Ireland and the Women In Photography / Prix Germaine Van Parys competition in Belgium, and the chance topublish your first book with a grant from the Eye Wide Open association.




Archive augmentée sans titre- exposition "Matière et Mémoire" de Fabien Ducrot, lauréat de la résidence Albert-Kahn en 2023 

Untitled augmented archive from the "Matière et Mémoire" exhibition by Fabien Ducrot, winner of the Albert-Kahn residency in 2023

Call for projects from the Musée Départemental Albert-Kahn

Each year, the Musée Départemental Albert-Kahn offers a creative residency in the emblematic Salle des Plaques.


Created by Albert Kahn, a philanthropic banker, between 1909 and 1931, the "Archives de la Planète " collection brings together the work of a dozen operators sent to some fifty countries. The collection is housed in the "Salle des Plaques" in Boulogne-Billancourt.


The aim of this 6-month residency is to enable an artist to produce an original work in connection with the museum's collections, exploring the notion of archiving and taking a fresh look at the collections. The work will then be exhibited at the museum from November 2024 to March 2025.


At the start of the residency, the selected artist will benefit from an immersive week with museum professionals, as well as a series of appointments to immerse him/herself in the collections.


To apply, you must submit :

  • An illustrated statement of intent, taking into account the link with the collections and the specificities of the museum space, and specifying the forms of public awareness envisaged;
  • A 10-month schedule (6 months of immersion and 4 months of execution);
  • A technical specification sheet listing the equipment needed to produce and distribute the work;
  • A presentation of your existing production and your artistic approach;
  • An estimate.


Applications are open until Monday February 19, 2024 at 6pm.




"Les Attaches " projet photographique de Anne-Lise Broyer, première lauréate de la résidence du musée de l'Armée en 2023.

"Les Attaches" photographic project by Anne-Lise Broyer, first winner of the Musée de l'Armée residency in 2023.

Photographic residency at the Musée de l'Armée

As part of the MINERVE ministerial project, the Musée de l'Armée launched an annual photographic residency in 2023. Organized this year from June to November 2024, it is aimed at emerging or established photographers who have already exhibited or published their images.


Its aim is toprovide artists with a working environment and personalized support , making the museum a key player in the promotion of photographic creation. In this way, they can finance an original project in line with the museum's mission, and enrich its heritage.


The prize for the selected photographer is a lump-sum grant of €10,000 gross, accommodation at the Hôtel national des Invalides and support from museum staff. The residency will culminate in a conference, exhibition or publication.


To apply, you must submit your application online (detailed artistic documentation, statement of intent, biography, etc.) by February 23, 2024.



© Belfast Photo Festival

Belfast Photo Festival

Belfast Photo Festival

The Belfast Photo Festival is one ofthe most important in the UK. It invites photographers and collectives to submit their work for the 2024 edition, which takes place in June.


Each year, between 20 and 40 photographers are selected and benefit from a number of advantages:


  • Exhibition of their work;
  • An appearance in the special festival issue of Abridged magazine;
  • An appearance in the festival's advertising and marketing campaign;
  • International press exposure;
  • The opportunity to compete for the festival's various prizes: the Spotlight Award, worth 2,321 euros, and the Aesthetica Editorial Award, which offers visibility in the magazine.


The festival does not impose a theme. The call for entries is open to all photographers, artists, curators, archives and collectives worldwide until Saturday, February 24.


Please note that entries are subject to a fee (€29 per series of 15 images).




© Germaine Van Parys / GermaineImage

Germaine Van Parys / GermaineImage

Women In Photography Competition / Germaine Van Parys Award

Organized by the City of Brussels in partnership with the Géopolis photojournalism center, the competition is reserved for women photographers specializing in documentary photography.


It aims to "celebrate female excellence behind the lens", in particular by raising the profile of women's creative photography.


The prize is named in honor of Germaine Van Parys, Belgium's first female press photographer, war correspondent and founder of the Van Parys press agency.


Two prizes will be awarded for this first edition: a grand prize of €8,000 and a student prize (also open to young graduates who have been out of school for no more than 2 years) of €2,000. The works of the two winners will be exhibited at the Géopolis center.


The documentary series submitted must correspond to the imposed theme "Regards sur Bruxelles"and be accompanied by a description of the project, as well as a portfolio and a letter of recommendation for students and recent graduates.


The deadline for entries isThursday, February 29, 2024.




Bourse du 1er livre photo -© Eyes Wide Open.

1st Photo Book Grant : Eyes Wide Open.

1st Eyes Wide Open photo book awards

Aimed at photographers who wish to publish their first book and who are already working with an independent French publisher, the grant program is designed and organized by Eyes Wide Open, in collaboration with the French Ministry of Culture and the SAIF.


The program offers 3 grants of €5,000 each:

  • The SAIF bursary: for French photographers and/or photographers living in France.

  • A grant for a woman photographer, whatever her nationality

  • A grant for a photographer from the South (Africa, Caribbean, Southeast Asia, Latin America, Middle East).


To participate, candidates must provide a letter of commitment from their publisher, as well as an administrative file, an artistic file (presentation of the project, pre-selection of images, biographies of the authors, note of editorial and graphic intent, etc.) and a technical file (timetable and provisional budget, quotes from service providers, letter of commitment from the publisher, etc.) before Thursday, February 29.




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