
Credit: France Télévision
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Irène Drésel at the Stade de France for the closing ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games!

09 September 2024 Alumni News
Viewed 73 times

A graduate of the Photographe Prise de vue course in 2008, Irène Drésel was among the 24 big names of the "French Touch" invited by Thomas Jolly to take part in the big musical show organized at the Stade de France for the closing ceremony of the 2024 Paralympic Games.
Irène Dresel began her career as a visual artist before turning to electro music in 2017, with "Rita", her first EP.
Winner of the César for Best Original Score in 2023 for Eric Gravel's "A plein temps", she is the first female composer to be honored by the Academy.

Image credits: France Télévision

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