
Credit: Ministère de l'Education nationale et de la Jeunesse
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Call for expressions of interest from the French Ministry of Education

16 October 2023 Professional news
Published by Sophie JEAN
Viewed 101 times

The General Secretariat of the Ministry of National Education and Youth has won an interministerial call for projects aimed at transforming its currently partitioned premises into more collaborative and user-friendly open spaces.


Entitled "Une traversée des arts au Ministère de l'Education nationale", the call is open to alumni of Campus member schools (including GOBELINS Paris) who graduated between 2018 and the present day.


The aim is to decorate the halls and staircases of the General Secretariat , giving them an artistic dimension and turning them into "art crossings". This artistic gesture should reflect the Ministry's commitment to the values of schools, youth, education, research and sport.


The final project will be selected in two stages:

  • First, 5 projects will be pre-selected on the basis of simplified applications. Successful candidates will receive a grant of €2,000 per person to develop their proposal.
  • The winning project will receive a budget of 40,000€.




Applications are open until Friday, October 27. They should be sent to the General Secretariat by e-mail to the following address:




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