
Credit: Femmes et Cinéma
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Calls for films for Phénoménales - season 2

28 September 2023 Professional news
Viewed 87 times

The Femmes et Cinéma association is launching a call for short fiction films for the Phénoménales season, a project created by France Télévision around the environments and professions in which women are under-represented or victims of sexist or sexual violence .

After science and technology, this second edition will focus on the theme of women in sport .


Femmes et Cinéma aims to raise public awareness of violence against women and gender discrimination. To this end, the association supports and encourages the production, promotion and distribution of short films dealing with equality between women and men.


The call for films is open to bothanimation and live action. Films must be between 3 and 5 minutes in length and offer a fairer, less stereotypical view of women in sport, encouraging young girls to get involved in sport and raising the profile of women in sport.


The selected films will be broadcast on France Télévision's Libre Court program in July 2024.


The selected directors will also benefit from :

  • A €1,000 copyright contract financed by Femmes et cinéma

  • Part of the post-production work (mixing and color-grading) handled by Gisèle production

  • Support for film distribution

  • One-year subscription to the Mubi platform

  • An assistant for the sound and post-production of their next film


You have until Tuesday, January 30, 2024 to apply.


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