
Graphic design consultation for the Bicentenary of Photography
To mark the national celebration of the " Bicentenary of Photography " in September 2026, the French Ministry of Culture wishes to create a visual identity specific to this event, linking together the various projects and partners.
This "Bicentenary of Photography" will take the form of a major celebration of photography, with a rich and diverse program (exhibitions, screenings, publications, meetings, etc.).
The proposed visual identity will need to be adaptable to the various print (posters, programs, etc.) and web (videos, social networks, website) communication media, and in line with the Ministry of Culture's graphic charter. It should also reflect public action in the sector and enable the event to be identified as a tribute to the inventions of photography.
To take part, you'll need to submit a portofolio and a statement of intent. Three graphic designers or agencies will be selected by the jury at the end of this first stage.
The shortlisted candidates will attend a presentation of the Bicentenary of Photography graphic design consultation on Friday, February 14, 2025. They will then have one month to submit a proposal including: a logo and a user charter, a graphic universe in line with the logo and a note of intent explaining the main lines of the graphic project. An individual auditionwill conclude this second stage.
The graphic design consultation is open to associations, private companies, freelancers and artist-authors.
The deadline for applications is Friday, January 17, 2025.
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