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CCI Paris Ile de France launches a training course on entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative industries

18 July 2024 Professional news
Viewed 374 times

The first session of this training course, entitled 5 jours pour entreprendre dans les ICC, will take place from Monday April 22 to Friday April 26, 2024.


Eligible for the CPF, the training aims to help entrepreneurs identify the key points for successful business creation in the cultural and creative industries (fashion, design, culture, publishing, audiovisual...).

The training will take place at the CCI Paris offices, 2 place de la Bourse in the 2nd arrondissement.


The program includes

  • Strategy: how to identify the opportunities and constraints of an entrepreneurial project.
  • Practical: what is themarket/creation alignment, what marketing and communication strategy to adopt, how to ensure financial management, what are the legal issues, how to ensure the success and evolution of your business.
  • Networking :networking sessions with other entrepreneurs in the sector will be organized during the course.



Practical information

April 22 to 26, 2024

CCI Paris - 2 place de la Bourse 75002 Paris

Price: €690 net of tax




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