
Credit: Keiichi Tahara, « Appartement avenue Alphand, St Mandé », de la série « Fenêtres », 1973-1982. Centre national des arts plastiques, inv. FNAC 94540 © Keiichi Tahara / Cnap. Crédit photo : Yves Chenot
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Call for entries "Reinventing photography

24 October 2024 Professional news
Viewed 9 times

The Centre national des arts plastiques has launched a photographic commission entitled "Reinventing photography".


Addressed to photographers and artist-authors, this commission aims to revisit photography by exploring the possibilities offered by contemporary technologies (notably AI).


15 artists will be selected, each receiving€10,000 in funding to complete their project. The winners will be supported in the production of their work by the head of the Cnap photography collection.


The works produced as part of the commission will be exhibited and published, and will join the Cnap collection.


Projects may be produced using any technique that enables artists today to create photographic images in innovative forms.


The call for applications is open to photographers and artists of French nationality or residing in France. The commission is not open to students. Participants must be professional photographers or artists and have already been published or exhibited. 


Applications must be submitted on the Cnap platform before Tuesday, November 12, 2024.




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